Wednesday 4 October 2017

My job

When I finish my studies I would like to work, as a pharmaceutical chemist, in a drugstore or in a lab. I am definitely going to do the best I can in the job I have, even if it doesn’t get me much money, so I can't wait to graduate; now I see it a little far, but I will do my best effort for it.

I don't mind that the places I want to work at are in doors, because that's actually for the best, I mean working with chemicals could be very dangerous for the people, the animals and the nature.

I hope that if I have to travel it would be in my vacation, that’s what I would like, not much if it is for work, but if I have to I will do it without complaining of course.

I don't study pharmaceutical chemistry for the money, I do it because I really like it, the only thing I expect from my career in terms of money is to let me have a comfortable life and to let me avoid economic problems.

I am thinking of taking a majors degree in pharmaceutical sciences, after I get my title, because it would let me have the knowledge to be a better professional so I can help society in the best way that I can.

Now all of this may seem a little far, but I have the perseverance for it, this is my goal and I will do my best effort to achieve it, (even if it takes me a couple more of years than planned).

The future I have planned

I think I will choose to do the Master's degree in pharmaceutical sciences; I want to be the best professional I can be, so doing that would be a great way to improve myself for that.

After reading the flyer for this degree I learned that they offer really interesting subjects, and they are separated in a industry area and care area, although I don't know which to choose they both look really interesting, with really important things to learn.

I would like to do it in the university that I am now, and that's because I know that my university forms the best professionals in Chile so I would like to be a part of that, even though it may be a little expensive I will definitely do the effort for it.

I also think that I wouldn’t like to study in another country, mainly because I don't think I'd like to live in another country and it would be very difficult for me to adapt, and I would miss my friends and family so much.

I would like to study in a way that doesn't challenges me so much economically, so maybe doing it in the nights and working in the day sound like a good option I would like to take.

I don't do this for the money, I just want to have a comfortable life doing what I like, and I think following the way that I have planned will definitely let me achieve my goals.