Wednesday 13 September 2017

My hobbie

What I really like to do, and I don't know if it is actually a hobbie, is listening to the new AND popular music. I like a lot of types of music, but I like to hear all the new songs that are trending, and since I almost exclusively listen to music in english, so I do it with the songs that the people in the US are listening to, even though I don't always like them but I just want to know them.

I've been doing this since I discovered the Billboard charts, you can check on them online on, every week the charts are updated with the most popular songs.

Is important for me because I never liked when there were popular songs that I didn't know so for that I decided to know all the popular songs at the moment, there are a lot that I hate but it kinda became a habit so I think I will still do it for a lot of time.

When I was a child I had a lot of hobbies, not at the same time, but in phases, although there's still some I still do. I liked to draw a lot because my dad is really good at it, so he did it a lot and I wanted to do the same. I liked to listen to music, my parents have a lot of CDs so I used to listen to them, I used to listen to one everyday. Playing video games was also something I really liked, but now not too much.

Having hobbies, for me is an activity where you do something that makes you so happy that you can forget your problems for a little while, and, also, something that makes yourself feel proud for doing it, even though other people might not agree.

The good thing about hobbies is that there are a lot that people can have, and you might like yours and not like others, but there's still something good of knowing someone is doing something that makes them happy, for example I don't think I'll ever like to do sports but I know that there are a lot of people that likes them so I think that's what is important.

In the future I don't know what new hobbies I will have but I know that I will still have the ones I have now.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The eyes.

It's said that the eyes are the gates to the soul, and I think they always mean the ones that are blue or green, even though those are pretty I think the most beautiful ones are the ones that are so dark that you wouldn't be able to look pass them, metaphorically speaking of course.

The eyes provides us the ability of the vision and process the details of what we see, and as well as enabling several photo response function that are independent of vision. Eyes detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. It is a complex optical system which collects the light of the surrounding environment, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, the it converts this image into electrical signs that are transmitted to the brain through pathways that connect the optic nerve with the visual cortex of the brain.

The human eyes are located in the head, in our skull we have two big cavities and each one of our eyes uses one. The adult eye has an anterior to posterior diameter of 24 millimeters, a volume of sic cubic centimeters and a mass of 7.5 grams.

There are a lot of problems you can have in your eyes, like with age the sight gets worst gradually. There are also changes of significance in non diseased eyes like the sizes in the components of the eye are different that the normal ones. There are certain ocular diseases that can come from STDs, like herpes and genital warts, if there is contact between the eye and the area of infection.

For good care of the eyes you can quit smoking to prevent cataracts, wear sunglasses to prevent the UV lights from the sun and it's also a good idea to not look at screens for too much time or without a other lights in the room.

Friday 1 September 2017

I thought it would never happen.

I have been to a lot of concerts in my life, like Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Lady Gaga and many others. Going to concerts is definitely something I enjoy, I think that listening live to your favourite bands or artists is the best thing for a fan of music, in general.

The one i'm choosing it's not my favourite, but is one I have really close to my heart because is an artist that I really love and I thought that I would never actually see her in concert.

The concert was of Marina and The diamonds, at Lollapalooza at Parque O'higgins. That day was one of the best that days I have had in my life, i went with two friends and first we saw the band Twenty One Pilots, and I really love them and the show was incredible. After that I went to the stage that Marina was going to perform, and after waiting a lot and standing up all that time, it finally began.

Marina Diamandis is her real name, she is a 32 year old artist from Wales. She has three albums: The Family Jewels (2010), Electra Heart (2012) and FROOT (2015), and the concert at Lollapalooza was part of the Neon Lights Tour.

The reason I thought I would never see her live was because I thought she really much popular here, but I was completely wrong, there were a lot of very dedicated fans of her, and that really surprised me, so I was really happy.

Everyone was the moment of their life at the concert, because it was the first time she was here, and all her fans really adore her. And because she only had 1 hour for the show, she sang all her popular song plus some of the album she was promoting.

I think is definitely one of the best experiences in my life, and I hope she returns soon, for the tour of her next album. I will definitely be in the first line.