Friday 3 November 2017


Last year, when I enter to this university, it was the first year of a curricular change in the plan of subjects of my career, and that caused that many of the classes and methods that we were doing were different than the ones from years before.

This changes, actually, aren't terrible, the teachers are conscious of this and they have adapted their classes to suit this new style.

It's not bad, but I think there are still, although minor, some things to improve in the classes; first of all I think it will be a good idea to add more hours of class to certain subjects and in more days, because now I'm feeling like it's not enough, it's not that bad of a problem but it can improve easily.

It would be good if in the places to study that are here, people wouldn't be so loud and distracting, and also happens that some of the computers in here are left very badly by the people that use them, so it would be good to have someone who checks on them often.

About the teachings methods I have nothing to complain, I trust in my teachers and their experiences, so I know they work in a way that they have seen work in students through all the years.

I think I don't have much of complains about where I study, I love being here and I also feel very proud of it, so I would just like to improve some things here that I know have a lot of potential.


  1. I think it's good to be critical with your education, but is also good to feel good with the things that you're doing, yo made a good balance with that.

  2. it's good that you agree with the education, but always there are ways for improved it.
